kunst. macht stark.

Did you used to be a passionate painter?

Maybe you have drawings in your drawer? Have you always wanted to create a sculpture? In our mixed classes for beginners and advanced artists, you can – with the support of professional artists – realise your work with like-minded people in a relaxed atmosphere and follow your artistic path. We accompany you on your own path with constructive criticism and teach you the necessary techniques to realise your ideas.


At freiraum you can experiment freely and realise almost anything: Painting (watercolour, acrylic), drawing, collage, printmaking, relief and intaglio printing, drypoint etching, linocut, flat printing, plaster and clay, ceramics, photography and video, performance, woodwork, objects/sculptures (wood, mixed media, Ytong, soapstone), textile design and more.


freiraum offers art classes on fixed weekly dates in small groups.


freiraum is our favourite place in Mitte. Everything is just right here: the atmosphere, the space and the creative people … and then there’s Ulrike, who is simply the best artist a seeker can imagine.


– Ulrich and Jolanta B.

Dates and times

Tuesdays         17:30-20:00

Wednesday     17:30-20:00
Thursdays        12:00-15:00


Further dates are possible on request.


The freiraum art school is closed during the Berlin/Brandenburg school holidays.



Trial class (2 hours)                    30 EUR
Month, 4 dates                          150 EUR (without material)
                                                       175 EUR (incl. material)
3 months, 12 dates                   390 EUR (without material)
                                                      455 EUR (incl. material)
Monthly, yearly subscription    65 EUR (without material)
                                                         75 EUR (incl. material)


Info call and registration

Every person is unique. Do you have any questions about our courses? Please send us an e-mail to info@kunstschule-freiraum.de or call us on 030. 275 965 28.

You can download a course contract here.

Kunstkurse Erwachsene
Kunstkurse Erwachsene
Kunstkurse Erwachsene

The art school offers an excellent space to live out your creativity. […] Centuries-old techniques such as etching and modern methods can be combined to create endless possibilities. Ulrike is an experienced artist and a great teacher for beginners and advanced students.


– Jörg F.