Creativity is an important key to your inner balance and the development of your personal strengths. In the creative process you discover new things and strengthen your inner core. Enter into an artistic dialogue with Ulrike. Learn more about your skills. Discover new perspectives. Gain new technical skills.
Find out in individual coaching sessions
• how to formulate your creative thoughts and develop them into artistic ideas
• how to realise ideas while keeping your focus on the essentials
• how to activate your creative potential and find your very own way of expression
• what your creativity means and enables you to do in everyday life and at work
• how the interaction of eyes and hand leads to balance and strengthens your self-confidence
Boost your artistic strength
• through playful exchange and the discovery of new perspectives
• through diverse conversations and artistic impulses that lead to new ways of thinking
• through various art techniques and forms of expression that you can expand or learn about for yourself